
TOP 10 Tips to Boost Testosterone Levels Naturally in Males!

TOP 10 Tips to Boost Testosterone Levels Naturally in Males! - LabMe

Do you want to get a testosterone test done? If yes, then you should definitely go ahead and book now because the waiting time at the clinic is almost always long. The good thing is that nowadays, you don't even need to wait for hours to get tested since you can order them online.

A blood test is usually performed to diagnose low or high levels of testosterone. Low levels of testosterone can result from various reasons such as hypogonadism and infertility. High levels of testosterone can also cause health issues such as osteoporosis, heart disease and prostate cancer.

You can now order a home testosterone test kit online. This test can provide your doctor with information regarding whether you suffer from low or high levels of T.

Since most people who undergo testosterone tests are men, there may be other conditions that need to be checked first. For example, if you're having problems getting pregnant, you might not actually have low testosterone levels. Also, if you have any symptoms associated with heart disease, you may not necessarily have too much testosterone circulating in your body.

In case you do have low testosterone levels, your doctor will perform further tests to determine what exactly is causing the condition. They may ask you to take a urine test or give you a physical exam.

Low Testosterone Levels Causes

There are several reasons why a man could develop low testosterone levels. Some of these include:

• Aging

• Alcohol abuse

• Hormonal changes due to certain medications

• Medical conditions like cancer, diabetes and thyroid disorders

• Androgen Deficiency Syndrome (ADS)

Androgens are male hormones that stimulate muscle growth, bone density and sex drive. Men who don't produce enough natural testosterone tend to lose their sex drive, become less interested in sex or suffer from erectile dysfunction.

• Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism

- A condition where the pituitary gland doesn’t produce adequate amounts of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). As a result, the sex glands don’t make sufficient testosterone.

• Hypergonadotropic hypogonadal syndrome

- A condition where excessive amounts of FSH and LH cause the testicles to overproduce testosterone. The excess hormones travel to the brain via the bloodstream. There, they bind to receptors found in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Once bound, the cells release GnRH which stimulates the pituitary gland to produce even more LH and FSH.

• Testicular torsion

- An abnormal twisting of the spermatic cord within the scrotum. When this happens, blood flow is blocked off and the tissue dies. Afterwards, the area swells up and becomes painful. The pain usually goes away after the swelling subsides but sometimes the injury can become permanent.

The good news is that there's no need for surgery to cure low testosterone levels. You just need to change your diet and exercise regularly. However, if you do decide to seek help, don't hesitate to ask your doctor questions so that you'll know exactly what to expect when you start seeing improvement.

Testosterone & Depression

Depression is a mental illness that affects millions of people around the world. It makes people feel sad, hopeless, angry, anxious, guilty and frustrated.

It's been linked to various chronic illnesses including heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer's disease. According to recent studies, depression is also linked to low testosterone levels in men.

In addition to causing physical symptoms, depression has been shown to affect the body's natural hormone production process. Hormone imbalance theory suggests that depressed individuals experience changes in their hormonal balance.

Why Should I Have My Testosterone Levels Checked?

Men should get tested if they're experiencing any of the following symptoms:

• Loss of sexual interest

• Impotence

• Fatigue

• Depression

• Weight gain or loss

• Muscle wasting

• Hair loss

If you have one or more of these symptoms, talk to your doctor. He may want to check your testosterone levels.

The good news is there's no need to live with low testosterone levels. There are ways to naturally boost your hormone levels and bring them up to normal.

mental health

How does depression affect hormone production?

Research shows that the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine play a major role in regulating mood. These chemicals work together with other hormones such as cortisol and prolactin to keep us happy.

When someone experiences prolonged stress, these chemicals begin to decrease in the brain. As a result, the person feels stressed out and depressed.

Some scientists believe that depression is caused by reduced secretion of the neurotransmitter serotonin. They think that low serotonin levels lead to increased activity in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HIPAA), a system of nerves that controls our response to stress.

The HIPAA produces the hormones adrenaline and cortisol, both of which increase during stressful situations. Cortisol gets released into the bloodstream and travels throughout the body. It causes muscles to tense, breathing to quicken and the heart rate to rise. This helps us respond to dangerous or life-threatening situations.

Cortisol also triggers the immune system to attack foreign invaders and promotes fat storage. In short, it prepares us for emergencies.

But high levels of cortisol have been associated with many negative health effects including weight gain, inflammation, insulin resistance, diabetes, cardiovascular problems and osteoporosis.

Scientists theorize that elevated levels of cortisol may be responsible for some cases of depression. Low serotonin levels are thought to trigger an increase in cortisol, thereby leading to more depressive episodes.

Other researchers suggest that the link between depression and testosterone might be more complicated than simply serotonin and cortisol. They say that testosterone influences the way we perceive ourselves, how we view others and our ability to cope with stress.

Why is Testosterone Level Test done?

Doctors use blood tests to measure testosterone levels because the test can give them valuable information about your sex drive, energy levels and overall well being.

Blood tests aren't always reliable, however, because they only show whether a man has enough testosterone circulating in his body. A healthy amount of testosterone isn't stored in the body. Instead, it circulates freely through the bloodstream.

For this reason, doctors often recommend having a second, non-blood test called a salivary test. Saliva samples provide a better indication of where your testosterone lies within your body.

How Is Testosterone Levels Measured?

You can take a small sample of blood using a finger prick. He'll then put the swab in a special container to extract the testosterone. The process takes just a few minutes.

Afterwards, he'll send the specimen to a laboratory for analysis. Results typically come back within two weeks.

At Labme Our at-home testosterone test measures the amount of free testosterone present in your blood. Online results show in 2-3 days after arriving at the lab.

Testosterone Test

TOP 10 Tips Increase Your Testosterone Levels Naturally!

1. Exercise regularly. Regular exercise raises testosterone levels by increasing the production of luteinizing hormone (LH). LH stimulates testosterone production.

2. Eat lots of protein. Protein increases levels of the enzyme aromatase. This enzyme converts testosterone into estrogen. High levels of estrogen can cause your testosterone levels to drop.

3. Get plenty of sleep. Lack of sleep causes increased levels of cortisol which lowers testosterone levels.

4. Reduce stress. Stress reduces testosterone levels. Try meditation, yoga or deep breathing exercises to reduce stress.

5. Avoid alcohol. Alcohol interferes with testosterone metabolism.

6. Take high-quality fish oil supplements. Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids which help maintain healthy levels of testosterone.

7. Supplement with zinc and vitamin C. These nutrients promote the health of sperm cells so they can travel through the reproductive system more easily.

8. Reduce caffeine intake. Caffeine blocks the action of adenosine receptors on nerve endings in the brain. Adenosine inhibits the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate libido.

9. Boost serotonin levels. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that regulates mood. Increasing serotonin levels boosts libido and improves overall well being.

10. Do Kegel exercises. Strengthening your PC muscles (the pelvic floor muscles located between the anus and genitals) also increases blood flow to those areas, thereby improving sexual function.

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Testosterone Levels Importance in Female