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Testosterone Levels Importance in Female

Testosterone Levels Importance in Female - LabMe
In women, testosterone plays a role in fertility, pregnancy, menstruation, bone density, muscle mass, mental alertness, and energy levels.

Women who have low testosterone levels tend to suffer from decreased sex drive, reduced breast size, irregular periods, and hair loss. They also may have difficulty getting pregnant or carrying a baby to term.

Low testosterone levels in women are often caused by an imbalance of hormones called Androgens - female hormones such as estrogen and progesterone.

An imbalance of androgenic hormones in women can lead to menstrual irregularities, infertility, and other problems. Women with excess androgenic hormones are said to be "masculinized."

Causes of Abnormal Testosterone Level in Females

Some medical conditions can affect your body's ability to produce adequate amounts of testosterone. Some of these include:

• Osteoporosis – A disease characterized by weak bones that break easily. It affects millions of people worldwide. The condition usually affects older men. But it can occur at any age.

• Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) – An endocrine disorder that occurs when your body produces too much male hormone (androgen) instead of enough female hormone (estrogen). Symptoms of this condition include acne, irregular periods, excessive weight gain, and enlarged breasts.

As a result, the females tend to develop hirsutism (excessive facial and body hair)

• Hypothyroidism – An underactive thyroid gland. Symptoms of hypothyroidism include fatigue, depression, constipation, dry skin, and a slow heartbeat.

• Adrenal insufficiency – Your adrenal glands make hormones that control how your body uses energy. People with adrenal insufficiency don't get enough of certain hormones, including cortisol. Cortisol stimulates the production of testosterone. When you're not producing enough cortisol, you won't produce enough testosterone.

• Insulin resistance is when your pancreas doesn't produce enough insulin. Insulin is needed for average growth and development. Without proper insulin, growth slows down. In addition, people with insulin resistance typically have higher cholesterol levels than average.

• Menstrual cycle abnormalities – Problems with the menstrual cycle include amenorrhea (no period), delayed menses (period starts up to 2 weeks late), heavy bleeding, and spotting.

Diagnosis Abnormal Testosterone Level in Female

Our at-home testosterone test measures the amount of free testosterone present in your blood. Online results show in 2-3 days after arriving at the lab.

After performing the finger-prick blood sampling method, it can be easily collected and sent to us.

Testosterone Test

Treatment for Abnormal Testosterone Level in Female

The best treatment option varies depending on the cause of your abnormal testosterone level. Treatment options include medication, surgery, lifestyle changes, exercise, diet, supplements, and alternative therapies.

There are several options available to treat low testosterone levels in women.

Some of these treatments include:

• Hormone therapy. In some cases, taking synthetic versions of male hormones can raise testosterone levels. However, this treatment has side effects, including weight gain, fluid retention, and acne. IIt'sbest used for short-term use only.

• Estrogen Therapy. Taking estrogen pills alone can increase testosterone levels in postmenopausal women. But if you're using it long-term, the pill may not work because estrogen changes during menopause.

• Gonadotropins. Some doctors prescribe human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) injections, a form of natural estrogen that triggers ovulation. The idea is to get enough eggs to stimulate the bbody'sown production of testosterone.

• Progestogens. This class of drugs mimics the effect of progesterone, one of the leading female hormones. Doctors sometimes prescribe progestogens when there is no egg supply, but progesterones are usually aaren'tprescribed for longer than 12 weeks.

Other Treatment Options

If hormone replacement doesn't the trick, your doctor might recommend surgery or other therapies. For example, if you ddon'twant to take estrogen pills, doctors may suggest a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus). Or they may put implants under your skin that deliver small doses of estrogen directly into your bloodstream.

testosterone therapy testing

Home Remedies for Low Testosterone Levels in Female

Here are some home remedies to maintain your testosterone level in females. These remedies will help you to regain healthy function back in your life.

• Exercise regularly. Regular physical activity improves circulation, which helps bring more oxygen-rich blood to the muscles. As a result, muscle cells start working better and grow bigger. Muscle mass becomes more muscular, which gives your bones strength. All this makes you feel healthier and happier.

• Eat right. A balanced diet provides all the nutrients needed to keep your metabolism running smoothly. High fat diets slow metabolism and reduce testosterone levels. So, eat fewer fats and more fruits and vegetables.

• Get a good nnight'ssleep. Lack of quality sleep causes hormonal imbalance. If you have problems sleeping, try to fix them before trying any home remedy.

• Do yoga. Yoga is excellent for stress relief and improving overall health. Just 15 minutes of yoga every day can make a difference.

• Avoid alcohol. Alcohol lowers testosterone levels as well as sperm count. If you drink, then cut down on alcohol consumption.

• Stop smoking. Smoking reduces fertility as well as sex drive. Even passive exposure to tobacco smoke affects testosterone levels.

• Exercise regularly with weights. Weight training builds strong muscles and increases bone density. You should perform resistance exercises at least three times per week.

• Take zinc tablets. Zinc deficiency leads to lower testosterone levels. To avoid zinc deficiency, take a zinc supplement daily.

• Try meditation. Meditation is effective in reducing stress. Stress can cause hormonal imbalances, including low testosterone levels.

• Keep yourself hydrated. Drinking plenty of fluids keeps your blood flowing freely throughout your body. It also flushes out toxins from your system.

• Reduce caffeine intake. Caffeine suppresses the secretion of prolactin, a hormone that regulates sexual function. Coffee, tea and colas contain large amounts of caffeine.

• Have a regular bowel movement. Constipation and poor digestion can lead to decreased testosterone levels.

• Drink green te. Green tea contains chemicals called catechins that boost male libido and improve energy.

TOP 10 Tips to Boost Testosterone Levels Naturally in Males!
Complete Guide To Hormone Replacement Therapy for Menopause