
How Many Steps Have You Taken Today?  Do You Keep A Record Of Your Daily Steps?

Young male character walking down the stairs.

Are you completing the daily required steps to reduce the risk of chronic diseases? Do you know how many steps you must take daily for your health? And what methods should you follow to detect the daily steps you cover in a day? To find out the answer to all these questions and the health benefits of covering the required steps, you must read all mentioned below.

Why You Have To Keep A Record Of Your Daily Steps?

Your daily steps are the estimation of the distance you cover by your walk in a day. And you must be well aware of the importance of walking for a healthy life. The more you walk, the less likely you will experience any health complications. Therefore, you must have to check out your daily steps. Instead, you should set a fixed target for the steps you must cover in a day.

The morning or evening walk routine can sometimes be skipped as you walk up to targeted steps without especially going for one (because of your daily routine). However, when your routine changes and there is a reduction in daily steps, you must find other ways to complete the steps you set out. But how will you come to know when you have to walk extra or when to rest? This can all be made clear only when you check your daily steps.

How Can You Keep A Record Of Your Daily Steps?

a girl counting daily steps on mobile.

Nowadays, it is no longer difficult to check your daily steps. You can use a pedometer, a device specifically manufactured to count each step a person takes. You must attach the pedometer to your waistband early in the morning and start your daily activities. Pedometer is a portable electronic device it can detect the vertical movement around the hips, thus detecting each step you cover.

Alternatively, you can also use your smartphone to count your steps. Several phone apps can detect the daily count and let you know by simply showing the counts on the screens.

How Many Steps Do You Require Per Day?

Taking 10,000 steps in a day is usually recommended for adults. If you want to cover these steps, you can use stairs, park your car at a distance from your destination, take a morning or evening walk, cover nearby distances by foot instead of a vehicle, or use a treadmill.

If you are recording your daily steps fewer than 5000 daily, it shows you are living a sedentary life. It imposes you at risk of many acute to chronic disorders, including indigestion, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, colon cancer, breast cancer, migraines, diabetes, stress, and depression.

What Are The Benefits Of Covering Targeted Steps In A Day?

If you complete the required steps daily, you are at less risk of imposing any mental and physical health disorders. Here are some prominent health benefits of covering targeted steps in detail.

  • Cardiovascular diseases are prevented. Walking is an aerobic exercise that helps the heart to work efficiently. As the oxygen supply of the body muscle increases, it makes the heart pump blood in an efficient way, which makes cardiac muscles stronger. The blood supply is also boosted, reducing the risk of various diseases.
  • Obesity or being overweight is prevented, which can be otherwise the leading cause of chronic diseases such as diabetes. Walking increases the energy demand of the body. It promotes the breakdown of the stored fats in the visceral cavity, thus preventing fat accumulation and weight gain.
  • Pulmonary functioning is boosted. The blood supply to the bodily organs increases because of increased energy demand. It causes the lungs to exchange gases from the blood more efficiently, ensuring the lungs' healthy functioning.
  • Bones are strengthened. Walking helps to keep the bones stronger because of their active movements. It reduces the risk of skeletal system-related diseases such as osteoporosis and joint diseases.
  • Walking also reduces the risk of chronic diseases, including high blood pressure, diabetes, high blood cholesterol level, muscular pain, and joint stiffness.


Taking up to 10,000 steps a day is the easiest and most effective way of keeping your health in check. Covering the required steps daily helps you reduce the risk factor of acute to chronic diseases. In contrast, a sedentary lifestyle puts you at risk of diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, and bone diseases. To ensure all these health benefits, you must check your daily steps. A smartphone or a pedometer can help you in keeping a record of your daily steps. If you want to learn more about health hacks, you must visit LabMe and go through all the content available there for their client's welfare.

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