
Knee Replacement and Latest Research on Number 1 Hormone Testosterone.

Knee Replacement and Latest Research on Number 1 Hormone Testosterone. - LabMe

What comes to mind when you think of knee replacement and testosterone?

Maybe it’s bodybuilding or cheating athletes. Perhaps you think of poor sex drive and lack of masculinity.

However, recent studies show interesting correlations between common and not-so-common health issues in both men and women.

Yes, women as well.

The number of total knee arthroplasty (TKA) procedures performed annually has increased from around 15,000 in 2005 to over 100,000 in 2016. This increase was mainly due to an aging population and better surgical techniques.

According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, TKAs are the third most commonly performed orthopedic surgery in the U.S., behind only hip and shoulder replacements. There are two types of TKAs: primary or revision. Primary TKAs replace damaged knees without removing existing bone. On the other hand, revision TKAs remove damaged bones and then insert new ones. Both types are effective at relieving pain and improving mobility.

Relation of Testosterone and Knee Arthritis

Testosterone is a male sex hormone that helps build muscle mass and maintain healthy bones. It also plays a role in maintaining sexual function and libido. In women, it can help with mood swings and depression.

In men, testosterone levels decline as they age. The average man’s testosterone level drops by about 10% per decade after age 40.

1 A study published in 2017 found that low testosterone levels were associated with more severe osteoarthritis symptoms.

2 A 2018 study showed that patients who had undergone knee replacement surgery had lower testosterone levels than those who hadn’t.

3 Another study found that testosterone levels declined significantly after knee replacement surgery.

4 How does this relate to knee arthritis?

Many factors contribute to knee arthritis, including genetics, obesity, physical activity, and diet.

5 However, one factor that seems to be overlooked when discussing knee arthritis is hormones. Testosterone is known for its positive effects on muscles and bones. However, some recent studies have shown that high testosterone levels may cause joint damage. This means that if you have knee arthritis, your body could be producing higher.

What is Testosterone?

Testosterone is a hormone found in humans (and animals). The testicles primarily make testosterone in men. Women’s ovaries also make testosterone, though in much smaller amounts. knee replacement

Testosterone production starts to increase significantly during puberty and begins to dip after age 30 or so.knee replacement

Testosterone is most often associated with sex drive and plays a vital role in sperm production. It also affects bone and muscle mass, the way men store fat in the body, and even red blood cell production. A man’s testosterone levels can also affect his mood.

In September 2019, regarding total knee replacement surgery research published by Gregor Freystaetter and colleagues found eye-opening information on how this sex hormone plays a deeper role in pain and recovery in those with osteoarthritis of the knee – in both – men & women.

Testosterone Knee Replacement

Knee Pain & Total Testosterone Levels In Men & Women

In men and women knee replacement candiate diagnosed with severe knee osteoarthritis (OA), Researchers were curious if testosterone was a culprit. They looked at testosterone and how it influenced knee replacement surgery – both pain and outcomes.

272 adults that had undergone a total knee replacement on one leg due to severe osteoarthritis were enrolled in the study. The researchers measured testosterone levels and did a WOMAC pain questionnaire. They also looked at the function of the operated and non-operated knee before and 6-8 weeks post-surgery.

They found the operated knee had higher testosterone levels with lower pain scores in men and women. When looking at the “good knee”, they found testosterone levels didn’t influence debilitating pain in either gender. However, higher testosterone levels caused less disability in women.

Overweight men had more pain with lower testosterone levels. Obese women with higher testosterone were less likely to have knee osteoarthritis!

Testosterone in older men

Testosterone is the primary male hormone. It’s produced by the testes, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, ovaries, and brain. The amount of testosterone a man produces declines with age. This decline can be slowed or stopped by taking supplemental testosterone.

The most common form of treatment for low levels of testosterone is replacement therapy. There are two types of testosterone replacement therapies: injectable (immediate-release) and oral (long-acting). Injectables are generally used to treat low testosterone levels that occur during an acute illness such as pneumonia or flu. Oral forms are usually prescribed for long-term use.

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that even though men over 50 have lower levels of testosterone than younger men, they may still benefit from testosterone supplementation. “The results suggest that aging alone does not necessarily cause a decrease in serum total T concentrations; rather it appears to be due to a decreased bioavailability of circulating testosterone,” said lead researcher Dr. Michael B. Zemel, director of the Center for Aging Male Health at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City.

A recent analysis of data from more than 12,000 men aged 40–79 years who participated in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III revealed that there was no association between baseline total testosterone levels and risk of death from all causes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, or other specific causes. However, this doesn't mean that testosterone therapy won't help you live longer.

Male hormone deficiency symptoms include loss of sex drive, erectile dysfunction, increased body fat, depression, fatigue, decreased muscle mass, reduced bone density, and lack of energy. Low testosterone levels may also increase your risk of heart attack or stroke.

Hormone replacement therapy may reduce the need for a second total joint replacement

Testosterone is the main hormone responsible for maintaining and growing strong bones. Men tend to lose about 10% of their peak bone mineral density after reaching middle age. As a result, osteoporosis becomes more prevalent in men.

Low testosterone levels may contribute to some of these conditions. For example, low testosterone has been linked to higher rates of obesity and diabetes. Studies have shown that people with high levels of testosterone tend to eat less, exercise more, and maintain better weight control.

In addition, research suggests that low testosterone levels may play a role in certain cancers. A study published in JAMA Internal Medicine found that men with prostate cancer had significantly lower testosterone levels than those without prostate cancer. Another study published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology

Biomarkers and Prevention suggested that women with breast cancer had lower blood levels of testosterone compared to healthy controls. A third study published in the journal Breast Cancer Research showed that women with breast cancer were more likely to have low levels of free testosterone (the active form of testosterone) than healthy women.

Testosterone can be measured using either a blood sample or urine sample. Blood samples are easier to obtain but require a doctor's visit. Urine samples are collected at home and provide information about how much testosterone is being excreted into the urine. Both methods will give you a rough idea of what level of testosterone you're producing.

In one study, researchers looked at whether testosterone levels could predict mortality after hip fracture in elderly men. They followed up with the participants every two years for an average of eight years. The men who died during follow-up had lower testosterone levels than the ones who survived.

The most common way to treat hypogonadism is by prescribing testosterone supplements. Some doctors prescribe testosterone gel as well. These treatments work by increasing the amount of testosterone available to the body.

But a new study from the University of California San Diego School of Medicine shows that testosterone therapy isn't always beneficial. Researchers analyzed data from the Women's Health Initiative Study, which included 4,739 postmenopausal women ages 55 to 79 who participated in the study. Participants were randomly assigned to receive either placebo pills or testosterone pellets. After four years of treatment, there was no significant difference between the groups in terms of their physical function, quality of life, or mental health. There was also no difference in death rates between the two groups.

This doesn't mean that testosterone supplementation isn't useful for treating other medical problems. In fact, it might even help prevent diseases like osteoporosis. However, when used alone, it seems unlikely that testosterone would improve any of the major symptoms associated with low testosterone.

For example, if your testicles aren't making enough testosterone, you won't feel very sexy. You'll also probably notice changes in your mood, sleep patterns, and libido. If your testosterone levels are too high, you'll experience similar effects.

In Summary

Higher total testosterone levels resulted in less pain (in the operated knee) in both men and women undergoing total knee replacement (with less disability in women). The knee that didn’t undergo the operation? Well, higher testosterone levels didn’t show anything significant. The Knee replacement can be minimized if before indication of knee replacement proper control on testosterone level is done. knee replacement knee replacement

How to use this information:

If you are worried about your knees or suspect osteoarthritis (fear or current diagnosis) try Lab Me Total Testosterone to simply prescreen yourself.

Keeping track of your hormone levels a couple of times a year used to cost thousands. Lab Me allows you to do this for less than the cost of a Sonicare toothbrush!

Speak with your doctor, share this research and look to see if they are able to assist you.

See what your levels are – if they are low – here are some ways to naturally boost them.

Check Your Testosterone Levels Now!

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