
Hscrp- A Simple Supplement Hack To Lower Your hsCRP- Find Latest 5 highlights

Elevated hsCRP is a sign of inflammation. The inflammation can be from various sources, and depending on the severity - it can speak volumes about your current health and health.

Inflammation is a normal reflexive process in the body and other methods, including disease states such as heart failure, aortic stenosis, and rheumatoid inflammation.

All of these may predispose you to cardiovascular disease. The hs-CRP testing is essential to understand if high hscrp or low hscrp is causing any disease.

High-sensitivity CRP (hsCRP) is a marker of inflammation and increases the risk of future cardiovascular events. However, the relationship between hsCRP and myocardial infarction (MI) remains unclear.

(1.) In a recent study, researchers found that patients with a MI and elevated hsCRP levels at discharge were twice as likely as those without such elevations to experience subsequent major adverse cardiac events (MACE). (2.) Another study found that patients with stable angina pectoris with elevated hsCRP values after exercise testing experienced higher rates of MACE than patients with normal hsCRP levels.

What is the difference between regular CRP and hs-CRP tests?

The two types of CRP tests are similar in their ability to detect an acute inflammatory response but differ in how they measure it. Regular CRP measures the level of CRP in your blood serum, while hs-CRP measures the amount of CRP circulating in your blood plasma. Both tests can determine whether you have an ongoing or recurring infection. However, hs-CRP may provide more information about the severity of the inflammation than regular CRP.

Is hs-CRP specific for predicting heart disease?

Yes. Several studies have shown that high levels of hs-CRP predict future coronary artery disease. One study showed that people with hs-CRP levels greater than three mg/L had a 2.5 times greater chance of developing coronary artery disease over five years than people with lower hs-CRP values.

Inflammation Due To Aging

Aging itself is also associated with increased hscrp inflammatory response. The increased inflammatory response in disease states or the elderly can be a marker of disease progression and an indicator of a poorer prognosis.

In other words, if it gets out of hand (too high for too long), you will have some life-threatening health issues.

Inflammation and oxidative stress are central in many disease states. Stress, poor diet, smoking, and sedentary lifestyles can all lead to increased inflammation.


Selenium & Co-Q10 Help With Inflammation

The major anti-oxidative enzymes contain selenium. The selenium intake in the USA is low, and supplementation with selenium and coenzyme Q10, important anti-oxidants, was evaluated in a research study done in 2015. This research aims to assess the response of the inflammatory biomarkers hscrp, C-reactive protein and sP-selectin and their possible repercussions on cardiovascular death.

What the researchers found was simple...

CRP and sP-selectin (the markers involved in inflammation) showed significant changes reflecting effects on inflammation and atherosclerosis in those provided selenium and coenzyme Q10 combined.

The active group could show reduced cardiovascular death, irrespective of biomarker level.

In simple terms, do this:

  • Supplement Coenzyme Q10 at 300-400mg/day and Selenium at 200-300ug/day.
  • We suggest you use the executive test kit - monthly for at least six months while you do this. This will allow you to track your hsCRP and other important heart biomarkers.
  • After six months - inside your user dashboard - reduce your testing to quarterly for one year.
  • If everything is stable, you can either keep it as is or reduce it to bi-annually for maintenance tracking.
  • Doing so will allow you to ensure that your inflammation levels stay stable.

We also suggest you follow up with your MD to ensure there aren't other sinister forces at play.

View the research here

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