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Interview Exclusive With Holistic Health & Functional Nutrition Practitioner Teddy Noel.

Interview Exclusive With Holistic Health & Functional Nutrition Practitioner Teddy Noel. - LabMe

Today I am interviewing for holistic health a functional integrative medicine practitioner, Teddy Noel.

You are in based in Washington state right now correct?

<Teddy>: Yes I am. In Kirkland, Washington.

<Anthony>: Great state. I read on your website profile that you were inspired by your mother at a young age to become a functional nutritionist. Tell me more about that.

<Teddy>: Yes! My mother was always trying to provide us with healthy food options, but it went beyond just nutrition.

She was very aware of the harm brought onto the body from exposure of toxic chemicals. We grew up in the middle of a 300 acre alfalfa farm and it was consistently sprayed with pesticides.

It used to give her a lot of anxiety because she knew the dangers but wasn’t in control of the decision. So she did what she thought was best and that was to feed us nutritious foods and eliminate as many other toxins in the home. She was using Seventh Generation products before they were cool.

If we had a tummy ache or headache she went to her kit of homeopathic remedies and gave us those instead of tylenol. It was great! I feel like, thanks to her decisions, I went into the “real world” with a healthy foundation.


You wanted to be a doctor or a chef. What type of chef did you want to become? Why did you choose the route you went? Do your ever regret not becoming a chef? 🙂

Functional Integrative Medicine


I haven’t given up on this dream!! I will get there! I feel like nutrition has allowed me to collaborate with both healthcare and the desire to be a chef. Plus I have many mouths to feed in my household so house chef is just one of my many hats!



I try to be fluid and live in the moment. Whatever needs to be taken care of minute to minute is where I am. I believe life is ever changing and being adaptable and having grit to make it through the day will save you.

If you expect things to stay the same forever then you will be disappointed. “At this very moment, all is well” is my manta.

I also put self care first.

I feed myself before feeding my kids, I try to get up before them for some solitude, I insist that my partner gives me time to be alone and take care of know, like taking a shower haha.



However, my part of the story, my observations have become a huge part of my why. It took me many years to realize it, but now I see that this person was treated with one protocol after another.

There was no unique to them approach and I saw the impact that had. It is why I love Functional medicine and nutrition. We ask why, we don’t blanket protocol, we dig deep, evaluate, modify, track, modify, adapt, modify, ask questions and most importantly we support the process.

Agreed that the current health model has uhm, issues. It seems that you are seeing the person as an individual and not a mass statistic. Do you ever get push back from your patients?[Ted

Functional Integrative Medicine

What is one piece of advice you wish you could give yourself at age 16?


Advice For Mom's Wanting To Guide Their Children Well In Regards To Nutrition


3 Sons ages 11, 8, and 6 and a baby girl, well toddler, but I can’t let go of the “baby” part.

Feeding kids has been one of the greatest challenges of my life. We have been through so much and it was at times, exhausting and made me doubt my abilities as a mother.

Toddlers and children go through phases.

My advice is to just Roll with it. Grant them and yourself grace! I always like to put out a platter of healthy options: bell peppers, a fruit, a protein, a small amount of a wide variety of healthy options. If they are hungry they will eat something, trust me!

You will find kids go through periods of times of only wanting proteins like meats and cheeses, then all of a sudden then want nothing but carbohydrates, breads, pasta, and then all they want is sweet fruits. Let them eat what they crave. I love the saying “it’s not the cow, it’s the how” You can use this when feeding children.

Provide a variety of healthy organic, non-gmo, grassfed, humanely raised foods and it will give them the best foundation possible. Also, I nursed all my kiddos to the age of 3. Not only did they benefit greatly from this but it also benefited me. Reduced my risk of cancer, helped me lose postpartum weight, and most of all helped to establish a long lasting bond which each of them.

Holistic Health and Functional Nutrition Practitioner

How Holistic Health and Functional Nutrition Helps Teddy's Patients Enjoy A Higher Quality Of Life.

<Anthony> I noticed you studied a lot of modalities (nutrition, herbalism, homeopathy, aromatherapy, self care, sports medicine and various other modalities) how do you integrate them all into your practice?

<Teddy> Great question, my approach is very holistic, meaning I take all parts of human existence into consideration. We are not just a body with blood, bones, tissue etc. We are having an experience beyond that.

So supporting mind, body, and spirit is important to me. I have some patients who will not take supplements and want only nutrition and lifestyle advice, done! I have patients who want all the supplements, the nutrition, the herbs, done! I also have patients who are interested in homeopathic remedies, herbs, and food as medicine...done!.

I do thorough evaluation based on the full human experience into consideration and I think that is unique in today's healthcare.

<Anthony> Do you ever get push back from patients?

<Teddy> No, I think by the time patients seek my type of care they are ready to try anything because everything else, every protocol has failed them.

At Home Blood Testing & It's Future Implications

<Teddy> I find my patients achieve their goals the fastest when they are motivated and compliance with their treatment plan is 100%

People like numbers, data, graphs. They like to see their progress in a tangible way. It keeps them motivated! It also helps me adjust their meal plans, supplements, lifestyle factors. There are so many benefits to knowing one's biomarkers!

I also work with a lot of mothers, mothers (primary parents) don’t always have the time to go sit in a lab and wait for a blood draw.

They are more likely to neglect those important preventative blood draws. I think at home testing is the missing piece of the puzzle.

I have been doing at home testing for a year and it has helped me lower my own cholesterol and A1c during a pandemic!

About Working With Teddy

<Anthony> What type of patients are you accepting and what should they expect when reaching out to you?

<Teddy> Accepting all the people! Book in here for a complimentary, no-obligation 30 minute discovery call and $30 dollars off her exclusive at-home blood test the VitalOne.

From those with all chronic diseases, to those who want to lose weight, feel better, sleep better, and have a more peaceful life. I have a broad scope and work in collaboration with an incredible naturopathic Dr. She consults on every case weekly.

I alway recommend people book a free 30 minute discovery call.

Potential clients can expect a lot of support. I am available to my patients every day via my patient portal and I fill “the gap” between patient and physician in an effort to shift the healthcare paradigm.

You can book in with Teddy below!

Book Your No Obligation, Complimentary 30 Minute Discovery Call With Teddy.

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