Millions of children suffer from ADHD worldwide. Often this disorder persists among the children and continues into adulthood. Children suffering from ADHD cannot pay attention to their academic and extracurricular activities. Therefore, parents are always advised to make an early diagnosis of their children if they observe any ADHD-related symptoms among them.
It has been observed that ADHD disturbs the level of certain neurotransmitters in the body, which further impairs the regulation of attention and mood in the body. Let’s find out all about the involvement of neurotransmitters in ADHD in detail.
What Is ADHD?

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder or ADHD is a medical condition covering more than one ailment, including difficulty in maintaining attention, impulsive behavior, and hyperactivity which occurs persistently among patients.
This disorder affects most children, which is responsible for their lack of interest in studies and extracurricular activities. The symptoms of ADHD lessen with age. It is also possible that children suffering from ADHD may never come out of this disorder because there is no effective treatment for ADHD.
Only motivational therapies and behavioral lessons can help patients in managing their symptoms. ADHD patients are always recommended to make unique living strategies to help them focus on their tasks. The early recognition of ADHD can help in effective and fast recovery.
The exact cause of ADHD is not known. It has been studied that genetics and abnormality in the development of the central nervous system can be a reason for ADHD. The symptoms of ADHD usually appear at the age of 3 years and before 12 years among children.
Are Neurotransmitters Involved In ADHD?
Yes, a deficiency in a specific neurotransmitter can cause ADHD. It is very well known that fluctuation, mainly deficiency in any neurotransmitter, can be an underlying cause of various health ailments such as anxiety, stress, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. In fact, the first disorder observed to occur due to a deficiency of neurotransmitters was ADHD. Researchers found that people suffering from ADHD have a low level of nor-epinephrine as compared to normal healthy persons.
Dopamine and nor-epinephrine are the two main neurotransmitters that are always associated with ADHD. Patients of ADHD are observed with lower levels of dopamine and nor-adrenaline, which clearly proves the participation of neurotransmitters as a leading cause of ADHD.
How Is Nor-Epinephrine Involved In ADHD?
Nor-epinephrine, or nor-adrenaline, is a neurotransmitter produced by adrenal glands and the brainstem. It is responsible for sending the signal to other nerve cells for accomplishing nerve impulse transmission. As a neurotransmitter, nor-epinephrine is responsible for regulating the sleep-wake cycle, maintaining mood and memory. Nor-epinephrine is also responsible for regulating many other functions in the prefrontal cortex. When a person suffers from ADHD, the lowered nor-adrenaline level disrupts all of its functioning, further negatively impacting the brain's sleep-wake cycle, mood, and memory storage.
It also hinders the storage of information required to accomplish the tasks. Studies have shown that a decrease in nor-epinephrine can also impair the functioning of the inhibitory control in the brain, which in normal conditions works by controlling distractions and sustaining attention on a particular target or task.
How Is Dopamine Involved In ADHD?
Dopamine is another neurotransmitter that sends nerve impulses within the nervous system. It plays an important role in regulating learning, motivation, sleep cycle, mood, and attention. Dopamine also regulates emotions and feelings.
The neurotransmitter nor-epinephrine is also prepared from dopamine. A deficiency of dopamine will lead to a decrease in the level of nor-epinephrine in the body. During ADHD, there occurs a fall in the dopamine level, which further causes a lack of motivation. Patients always feel demotivated, making it difficult for them to complete the task with attention.
How To Test ADHD At Home?

If you are experiencing the symptoms of ADHD, you can go with neurotransmitter tests at home. By finding the level of neurotransmitters associated with ADHD, you can get an idea of whether you are at risk of ADHD. Several laboratories offer at-home tests, but finding an accurate lab can be difficult.
Let us sort out this issue as well. LabMe is one of the most trustworthy online platforms which offers its clients accurate testing and results. For neurotransmitter testing, you can buy At-Home Advanced Neurotransmitters Test from LabMe. After purchasing, you must collect your urine sample and send it back to LabMe for testing and analysis. After 5 to 7 days, your result will be provided online.
Remember, at-home tests will inform you about neurotransmitters in your body, which can give just as much about the chances of a disorder. At-home neurotransmitter test is not a diagnostic test. For confirmation of ADHD, you have to visit your doctor and proceed according to his/her recommendations.
What Are the Treatments For ADHD?
There is no effective treatment that can eradicate ADHD. However, the symptoms of AHDH can be recovered by medications and mainly by behavior therapies. Medications such as amphetamines and methylphenidate are recommended to control hyperactivity and inattention syndrome among patients. In behavior therapy, patients are advised to take social skill training and counseling from their mental health experts. Parents and teachers can also help a lot in the recovery of children by having regular motivational sessions with them.
Nowadays, a medical device known as the Monarch external Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation (eTNS) System is used for the treatment of ADHD symptoms among children of age between 7 to 12 years old who are not taking any ADHD-related medications. This device should be used under the supervision of parents when a child is sleeping. eTNS works by sending electrical stimulation to the brain, which helps regulate the attention and behavior in the child.
The neurotransmitters, mainly nor-epinephrine and dopamine, decrease among patients suffering from ADHD. Reduced levels of neurotransmitters make it difficult for the patients to pay attention and feel motivated. LabMe offers at-home neurotransmitter tests which can help patients find the level of neurotransmitters in their bodies. Low level of neurotransmitter shows that there is a need for proper medical checkup and treatment. ADHD behavior therapies always work best in controlling the symptoms among children.