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3 Powerful Calculations On How To Check Your Health [For Free]

3 Powerful Calculations On How To Check Your Health [For Free] - LabMe

Wondering how to check your health in a novel way?

Below are 3 powerful calculators, that allow you to figure out how many calories you need to lose weight (or gain), predict your risk of heart disease (or attack), and your risk of death due to COVID19.

They are nifty little hacks to figure out some interesting things about your health with very little effort.

Calorie Deficit Calculator

A calorie deficit is when you consume fewer calories than you burn. In other words, you ate less than what your body needed to run.

A calorie is a unit of energy, with 1 cal = 4.184 joules.

Our body receives energy from what we eat and drink and spends this energy to perform every function essential to keep us alive, like breathing, digestion, blood circulation, etc. We also spend energy on every physical activity that we perform. We can put ourselves into a calorie deficit by providing our body with fewer calories than it needs to support these activities.

In simple terms, you can check your health by determining how many calories you need to consume in order to lose weight.

By maintaining a calorie deficit for the long term, you can lose weight. Now, you must be wondering how to be in a calorie deficit; the answer is simple. There are only two ways to maintain a calorie deficit:

Eating fewer calories than what you burn, and Burning more calories than you eat.

It is always recommended that you combine both of the above for a healthy weight loss.

Remember that 1 pound (0.45 kg) of fat is about 3,500 calories. Hence, to lose 1 pound of fat, you need to create a calorie deficit of 3,500 calories.

This means that to lose 1 pound per week, you should consume 3500 / 7 = 500 calories less than the number of calories your body needs per day.

To lose weight without significantly affecting your energy levels, you should aim for a calorie deficit of 500 calories per day.

Calorie Deficit Calculator

Heart Disease Prediction Calculator

The Framingham study began in 1948, with the group of initially 5,209 patients recruited from ironically enough, the same neighborhood. A town named Framingham, located in Massachusetts, US.

At the beginning of the study, none of the patients involved had suffered from any cardiovascular (CV) disease (such as heart attack or stroke). Scientists and physicians monitored the entire population's health for 72 years. Every single case of CV disease was carefully recorded and analyzed and compared to a person's lifestyle and blood test results.

This scrutinous observation identified major heart risk factors and created a Framingham 10-years risk assessment score.

Framingham who played an essential role in the development of modern medicine is pretty amazing.

You can now check your health (heart) using the calculation below.

How to use the Framingham risk score calculator?

Our 10-year cardiovascular risk calculator is for people aged 30-79, with no heart attack history, claudication, coronary heart disease, or any other cardiovascular event.

Follow the steps enumerated below for the full benefit:

Enter your age in years.

Cardiovascular risk generally increases with age.

Choose your sex.

Cardiovascular risk is more significant for men.

Input systolic blood pressure.

Systolic blood pressure's value is always greater than the diastolic pressure one. The typical recording method: Systolic/Diastolic (e.g., 120/80).

Higher blood pressure bears a higher risk of a cardiac event.

Enter your total cholesterol.

A high total cholesterol level increases atherosclerosis in your arteries and accelerates the coronary changes leading to a heart attack or a stroke. If you don’t know - you can test it here for $69 at home.

What's your HDL (High-Density Lipoproteins)?

What a surprise! High HDL levels serve as a protective factor for your arteries. That's precisely why we call it good cholesterol.

Do you smoke?

Smoking plays a vital role in the rapid development of the material clogging your arteries and leading to all kinds of vascular diseases - and cancers too!

Framingham Risk Calculator

Lab Me has a built-in 10-year heart attack prediction calculator that does all the work for you if you purchase any Lab Me Executive At-Home Health Test.

COVID-19 Mortality Risk Calculator

It is estimated that as many as 1.7 billion individuals (22% of the global population!) are at increased risk of a severe reaction to COVID-19. This is due to the fact that the current data suggests that about 20% of people on Earth have at least one risk factor, including conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or hypertension. The prevalence of these conditions is associated with our lifestyle, so it turns out that a healthy diet and appropriate level of physical activity can prevent us not only from diseases of civilization but also complications of contagious diseases!

This calculator is using data published in a paper by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, which was released in February 2020. It was based on over 70,000 COVID-19 cases in China and so far, it is one of the biggest fatality rate datasets.

One of the most important ways to measure the burden of COVID-19 is mortality. We have decided to create this COVID mortality rate calculator to improve public awareness about the importance of taking close care of your health during the pandemic. You will be able to understand what groups are the most vulnerable, whilst the social distancing calculator will tell you how many lives you can save by isolating.

COVID-19 Mortality Risk Calculator

We hope that you find these calculators interesting and helpful.

Lab Me offers comprehensive and highly accurate home test kits that you can easily perform at home without the need of a nurse or doctor.

You can track and monitor your health, share your dash with a loved one or doctor, and keep your finger on the proverbial pulse.

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